Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kittens and Mothers

(composed Tues May 13)

My satellite TV has Sirius radio on it. My wife is at the office today so I am taking the opportunity to listen to 'Hip-Hop Nation', loud.

New Subject: Kitties -

One of the two cats we brought in from outside happened to be pregnant when we took her in. She gave birth to 4 beautiful kitties on Sat May 3. Mom is black with white puffs on her chest and tummy. 3 of the kids are colored like dad (Big Boy), black with white boots, a white tummy/chest, white chin. One of the 3 has shorter boots and a white splotch on her face. The other cat is like mom, black with white puffs on chest and tummy. I believe 3 are boys, one girl (splotch). They are super cute. It feels good to be a grandparent.

Oh, and Happy Mother Day to all mothers (belated).

Sadly a week and a day before the kitties were born, Big Boy (the father), was put to sleep. We took him in to get a check-up and to get neutered, ended up he had FIV (feline version of HIV). I can tell you it really ruins a lunch when you a phone call from the vet and she can't get words out. Doctors don't usually stammer, so I knew something was wrong. Anyhow, we brought him home after he was 'asleep'. I buried him in our front yard pretty close to where he liked laying on our lounger. I think he's real happy there. It is nice that he isn't hurting anymore. We could tell he was in pain for a while. It's nice also that he can come in the house now. I can feel him sitting with me, and he never did that before.

I also really miss my Grandma. I dream about her a lot, and every once in a while I am reminded that she is here with me too. It is also really nice that Grandma gets to see our house. There is no way she could have ever gotten up here before, because of the drive and the elevation, plus the 30 steps to the front door. So It's really nice having her see the house and the cats, and seeing how me and Heather live.

One other thing I was telling my Mom the other day is that I'm really glad I got to know my Grandmother when I was an adult. I saw her maybe once a year until I moved out of the house. Then when I moved to LA close to her I started going over to her place to do things for Her and Grandpa, also to visit, we loved talking and we always, always were laughing. So yeah, I got to know them then, not as old folks who were nice to me, but as people. Moving to LA got me close to my Grandparents while they were around. What a unforeseen blessing.

Life's good sometimes.